Welcome to The Deception Diaries

A World of Lies, Truth-Seekers and Everything In Between.

About Us

The Deception Diaries is a space dedicated to the world of deception detection, investigative interviews, information gathering and more. We aim to present a non-biased view of different techniques and tools used in current labs and in the field. We really do hope this becomes the 'go-to' space where you wish to highlight important new research, and perhaps ask for guidance from those who have been in the game a little longer. We also want you to have fun with the site. After all, all work and no play make us very dull indeed.

Why You Should Join Us

With time, we hope that this site can become a repository of information for all academics and practitioners within the field of deception, investigative interviewing, truth-seeking, the interview process etc to come to discuss current challenges and obstacles we face and how we can work together to find the best way to approach these challenges with confidence. We are happy for anybody to join who has a keen interest in these areas. This space is not designed to be exclusively for those in academia. After all, as we argue towards a more interactive discourse between academics and practitioners, this may be a suitable place for doing so. 

So why a forum?

As I come to the end of my PhD journey, I have realised there is no dedicated space where academics from across the globe, from all levels of education, can turn to for information, help, advice, guidance, and signposting regarding deception and investigative interviewing etc. We all know how daunting academia can be in the beginning and with faculty members workload increasing, many individuals need more than just their supervisor or supervisory team. Many of us have to juggle more than one commitment at a time and this sometimes means that we just can't read every paper we should. We aim to have an area where different key pieces of research are summarised by members (much akin to an extended abstract/annotated bibliography) that explains the overall aims and rationale, the type of methodology that was used, how the data was analysed and how the authors interpreted these results. It is also a way to get your publications out to your target audience as quickly as possible. It is hoped that new (and old!) students, lecturers, and researchers are able to dig into as little or as much as they like of the available information. Discussions regarding publications will most likely become be a primary focus of the site, however, such discussions are never to be derogatory or condescending - we all had to start somewhere!

It is envisaged that these discussions can help with an individuals comprehension of the topic and thus can approach his or her own work, having had the opportunity to speak to many people they may not have the chance to meet in person. Bringing together experienced faculty members with undergraduate and postgraduate student students in a non-judgmental space can facilitate ideas, projects and discuss work issues that may be more difficult in person. This is where our anonymous section will be beneficial. You can find all of this information in the forum.  

We also hope that individuals who are struggling with concepts or ideas may receive advice from their peers. As this is a forum, these ideas and suggestion will remain and I hope, with time, may become an invaluable tool when slogging away at dissertations, articles, theses or books. Think of this space as an additional reference manager, but with a lot more information. 

A Big Thanks

I want to say a massive thanks to so many people who have really encouraged me to carry on when things were tough and to those who have been nothing more than supportive through difficult times. In fact is only due to being in the hospital for so long, that I have finally been able to put this idea into something tangible. Silver linings and all... I owe so much to Maria Hartwig for being the best friend I could ask for and for being the one to talk me back onto the track when I was veering off with overload. You will never really know how much you have helped me. Vincent Denault also deserves a special thank you. As we have braved this PhD journey together, he has never had anything but words of encouragement. I am glad I am able to call him both a colleague and a friend. I really do have so many people to thank but I don't want to keep you any longer from what awaits you. These individuals already know who they are ;)